The Port City community is known for its beautiful beaches and boardwalks, historic river-walk district, and the largest domestic television and movie production facility outside of California. In April 2016, the city of Wilmington also became known for something else; the top city in the nation for opioid abuse.
When CastLight Health published the study naming Wilmington as the top city in the nation for opioid abuse, the Southeastern North Carolina Regional Health Collaborative and SEAHEC responded by bringing together regional stakeholders and leaders to understand what actions are currently being done to address this epidemic in our region, as well as define existing gaps.
Opioid Harm Reduction Initiative Update
- Communication and Collaboration
- Community Partners Coalition
- Coalition of community partners forming to improve mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual developmental disability services and initiatives throughout the region through resource sharing, collaboration, need identification, and coordination.
- Standing monthly meetings. For more information, contact Olivia Herndon.
- Navigation
- Community partners have been meeting at the request of Senator Lee to come up with solutions for service utilization and patient navigation. Senator Lee and Senator Rabon sponsoring Senate Bill 334. Representative Grange filed complimentary House Bill 461.
- These bills request allocation for funding for pilot navigation program in New Hanover County to reduce the number of individuals utilizing hospital emergency departments for mental health and substance use disorders.
- Quick Response Team
- Representative Davis filed House Bill 324.
- Bill request allocation for funding for pilot quick response team for New Hanover County. For opioid reversals in which public safety responds, follow-up with social worker and first responders within 72 hours.
- Technology Coordination
- Proposal submitted to SEAHEC Legacy Foundation to develop electronic platform with resource and navigation capabilities for individuals with a mental health and/or substance abuse crisis or individuals seeking information for services. Platform will serve residents of New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick, Duplin, Columbus, and Onslow counties. Will know if funding received by
May 26, 2017.
- Health Systems
- New Hanover Regional Medical Center
- Developing inpatient safe prescribing guidelines
- Standardization of controlled substance contracts in NHRMC outpatient settings
- Installation of permanent medication drop box on NHRMC’s main campus
- Standardized patient education through NHRMC Outpatient Pharmacy upon initial dispense of opioids.
- Medication take-back event, 4/1/17
- Novant Health Brunswick Medical Center
- Medication take-back event, 2/25/17
- Dosher Memorial Hospital
- Medication take-back event, 4/6/17
- Awareness and Education
- Social Media
- SnapChat LiveWellWilmington created and will serve as a vehicle for opioid harm reduction awareness. To add us, search for username LiveWellWilmington.
- Creating Facebook page for the Community Partners Coalition.
- Community Education and Awareness Events
- Community Report-Out on April 10, 2017, at UNCW. Click HERE to register. This event will highlight recent efforts targeting opioid harm reduction made by community leaders.
- Faith-Based Communities Luncheon
- This is being led by Port City Community Church. The goal of this luncheon is to provide awareness, education, and opportunities for engagement and involvement to faith-based organizations and initiatives in the region.
- Community Education Event and Resource Fair
- This event is in partnership with Port City Community Church and New Hanover County. The event is free and open to the public. The event will take place on September 18, 2017. More information to come.
- New Hanover County Public Service Announcements
- Collaborating with New Hanover County to create 6 public service announcement videos to educate on the widespread impact of the opioid epidemic in our community, and to specifically raise awareness of the ripple effect on the entire community.
- Health Provider Education and Awareness Initiatives
- Prescription Drug Disposal
- Three events currently scheduled by community partners
- NHRMC- 4/1 9a-12p Medical Mall
- Dosher- 4/6 9a-1p Dosher Hospital
- Port City Community Church- 8/26
- Additional permanent drop boxes installed on UNCW and NHRMC campuses.
- Community Resource Awareness
- Utilization of EngageSENC platform.
- Proposal submitted to SEAHEC Legacy Foundation to develop electronic platform with resource and navigation capabilities for individuals with a mental health and/or substance abuse crisis or individuals seeking information for services. Platform will serve residents of New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick, Duplin, Columbus, and Onslow counties. Will know if funding received by May 26, 2017.
For more information, please contact Olivia Herndon.