Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rhoncus nunc tellus, vitae iaculis ligula. Fusce vel lectus nec nisl lacinia euismod ut ut erat. Phasellus vel odio vel tellus gravida congue vel eget libero. Praesent rhoncus massa id libero bibendum et suscipit ligula vehicula. Aenean convallis lobortis augue sit amet accumsan. Donec rutrum, ligula sit amet gravida faucibus, metus mauris gravida neque, sit amet facilisis neque arcu ac ligula. Integer id nulla mauris, at consectetur elit. Praesent nunc lacus, vulputate quis imperdiet in, eleifend ut tortor. Quisque vitae mi dictum leo porttitor porttitor. Nullam fringilla gravida nunc vel dignissim. Phasellus ac convallis augue. Curabitur et dolor lacus. Etiam ac nibh adipiscing massa sollicitudin mattis et ac sapien.

Community News & Events
Space Coast Volunteers in Medicine Now Open!
Space Coast Volunteers in Medicine has opened its community clinic located in Palm Bay and staffed primarily by volunteers, dedicated to providing free medical and dental care to the uninsured of Brevard County. For more information find SCVIM online at www.spacecoastvolunteersinmedicine.org or call (321) 914-0915
Brevard County Public Schools Close for the Summer Break
May 20th
Brevard County Public Schools will be officially closing on May 20th for the summer break. To find out more information and/or summer programs visit http://www.brevard.k12.fl.us/
Harmony Farms' Buckaroo Ball
June 04, 2011
Harmony Farms invites you to attend the Buckaroo Ball: Goes Polynesian. Hosted at the Brevard Zoo, with entertainment from Sala's South Seas Revue. Tickets are $50 per person. All proceeds benefit the Therapeutic Riding Programs at Harmony Farms, Inc. For ticket and sponsor info or to donate auction items visit their website at www.harmonyfarmsinc.com call (321) 631-9433 or email: info@harmonyfarmsinc.com
Jess Parrish Medical Foundation's Hollywood Nights and Bollywood Dreams: An Evening of Fantasy
October 28, 2011
An enchanting evening of elegance and fantasy awaits! Stroll down the Hollywood Walk of Fame and make your appearance on the red carpet! Then cross over into the enticing magical world of Bollywood where you'll indulge your sense with brilliant color, high energy music and alluring décor! Proceeds benefit the prevention and treatment of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions. For more information, call JPMF at (321) 269-4066 or visit the website: www.parrishmedicalfoundation.com