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Change in Finances, 2000-2012, by NTEE

Shows percent change in public support, program service revenue, and total revenue over this period for organizations filing in both 2000 and 2012
Elapsed time: 05:50:34 - fin: 05:50:34

SELECT SUBSTRING(c.nteeFinal,1,1) as NTEE__Code, CASE WHEN a.exps < 100000 then 'a Less than $100,000' WHEN a.exps < 500000 then 'b $100,000 - $500,000' WHEN a.exps < 1e6 then 'c $500,000 - 1 mil.' WHEN a.exps < 1e7 then 'd $1 - 10 mil.' else 'e More than $10 million' END as Expense_Level, COUNT(*) AS Number__of__Organizations, SUM(a.cont) as Private__Contributions__and__Govt__Grants__2000, SUM(b.cont) as Private__Contributions__and__Govt__Grants__2012, (sum(b.cont)-sum(a.cont))/sum(a.cont)*100 as Contributions__and__Grants__Percent__Change, a.progrev as Program__Service__Revenue__2000, b.progrev as Program__Service__Revenue__2012, (SUM(b.progrev)-sum(a.progrev))/sum(a.progrev)*100 as Program__Service__Revenue__Percent__Change, a.totrev as Total__Revenue__2000, b.totrev as Total__Revenue__2012, (SUM(b.totrev)-sum(a.totrev))/sum(a.totrev)*100 as Total__Revenue__Percent__Change FROM nccs.core2000pc a, nccs.core2012pc b, nccs.nteedocAllEins c WHERE a.ein = b.ein and a.ein = c.ein AND a.state in ('DC','MD','VA') GROUP BY NTEE__Code, Expense_Level;