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Current Number and Revenue of Registered, Filing Organizations, by Subsector

This report returns the most recent available number of all registered organizations, as well as the number and revenue of all active organizations. Organizations are defined as active if they have filed within two years previous of the date of the most recent data available (given in the first column below in YYMM format: e.g., November 2014 = 1411).
Date of Data (YY/MM)NteeCodeNumber of Registered Public CharitiesNumber of Active FilersTotal Revenue of Active Filers
21125-Human Services321214842680298039
21124-Health Care10855476028228689
21123-Environment and Animals7162601351734374
Elapsed time: 07:17:51 - fin: 07:17:51

select SUBSTRING(LastBMF,3,4) AS 'Date of Data (YY/MM)', case when a.NteeFinal like 'A%' THEN '1-Arts' WHEN a.NteeFinal LIKE 'B%' THEN '2-Education' WHEN SUBSTRING(a.NteeFinal,1,1) IN ('C','D') THEN '3-Environment and Animals' WHEN SUBSTRING(a.NteeFinal,1,1) BETWEEN 'E' AND 'H' THEN '4-Health Care' WHEN SUBSTRING(a.NteeFinal,1,1) BETWEEN 'I' AND 'P' THEN '5-Human Services' WHEN a.NteeFinal LIKE 'X%' THEN '6-Religion-Related' ELSE '7-Other' END as NteeCode, count(*) as 'Number of Registered Public Charities', SUM(IF(IFNULL(cTaxPer,'') BETWEEN ((SELECT CONCAT('20',SUBSTRING(LastBMF,3,4)) FROM nccs.nteedocAllEins WHERE LatestBMF LIMIT 1) - 200) AND (SELECT CONCAT('20',SUBSTRING(LastBMF,3,4)) FROM nccs.nteedocAllEins WHERE LatestBMF LIMIT 1) AND IRS990N = '0',1,0)) AS `Number of Active Filers`, SUM(IF(IFNULL(cTaxPer,'') BETWEEN ((SELECT CONCAT('20',SUBSTRING(LastBMF,3,4)) FROM nccs.nteedocAllEins WHERE LatestBMF LIMIT 1) - 200) AND (SELECT CONCAT('20',SUBSTRING(LastBMF,3,4)) FROM nccs.nteedocAllEins WHERE LatestBMF LIMIT 1) AND IRS990N = '0',IFNULL(ctotrev,0),0)) AS 'Total Revenue of Active Filers' from nccs.nteedocAllEins a INNER JOIN lookup.ntee2011a b ON substr(a.nteeFinal,1,3) = b.code where state in ('DC','MD','VA') and latestBMF = 1 and subseccd = '03' and fndncd not in ('02','03','04') AND (OUTNCCS IS NULL OR OUTNCCS <> 'OUT') GROUP BY NteeCode

Please note that "Religion-Related" organizations include all organizations filing with the IRS, but do NOT include all religious organizations. Religious congregations and organizations with less than $5,000 in annual revenue are not required to register with the IRS, although many do. The standard source for estimates of religious congregations is the American Church Lists, a company thatprovides marketing data using phone listings and other sources. As of this note, the most recent American Church Lists estimates suggest there are about 345,000 houses of worship in the United States. Of these, approximately 220,000 are registered with the IRS, according to NCCS analysis of the June 2014 IRS Business Master File. See “Church Specialty List,” InfoUSA, accessed December 10, 2014,