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Finances: Panel of public charities reporting in 2006 and 2012

This report lists all organizations in a jurisdiction reporting in both periods. You can use this to understand how the financial health of the panel has changed comparing changes in revenues, expenses, net income, and net assets in both periods.
Elapsed time: 08:19:43 - fin: 08:19:43

select a.ein,, a.totrev as Tot_rev_2006, b.totrev as Tot_rev_2012, a.exps as Tot_exp_2006, b.exps as Tot_exps_2012, (a.totrev - a.exps) as Net_income_2006, (b.totrev - b.exps) as Net_income_2012, (a.totrev - a.exps)/a.exps * 100 as Net_income_as_pct_of_exp_2006, (b.totrev - b.exps)/b.exps * 100 as Net_income_as_pct_of_exp_2012, a.fundbal as Net_assets_2006, b.fundbal as Net_assets_2012 from nccs.core2006pc a inner join nccs.core2012pc b on a.ein = b.ein where a.state in ('DC','MD','VA') order by

NCCS Core 2006 and Core 2012 PC files.