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Project Management Dashboard

About Project Management Tools

Project management tools is an area for the community to meet and collaborate. It offers the opportunity to form groups and exchange information within those groups. Information can be limited just to the defined group or open to all site visitors.

The best place to begin is to visit the "quick start" tutorial below.


My Teams

Sorry, you must be logged in to see your teams or to create a new team.

Getting Started with Teams

How To Get Started

  • 1. Create a Team, which is a group of people working towards a common goal.
  • 2. Add members to your Team using their email addresses.
  • 3. Create a Project, which is usually action-oriented and made up of specific tasks.
  • 4. Create and assign tasks.
  • Optional steps:
  •     Add items to your Team's knowledgebase, which is like a private, online library for your team.
  •     Create a custom list of organizations for your team members to view.