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Community Impact Circles: Sign Up

A Community Impact Circle is a free tool for your collaborative to use for document storage and sharing, project management, outcome and result measurement, and communications. It also provides learning resources on best practices in collaboration and Results-Based Accountability. The goal is to make communication and data sharing easier for your collaborative.

Find A Circle

Are there already organizations in your field or geographic area working together in a Community Impact Circle? Click here to see who else has already started a Circle.

You must log in before you create a Community Impact Circle. Click 'Log in' or 'Register' at the top of the page.

Name of Community Impact Circle:*
Brief description (goals, location, number of participants): *
Publicly visible? *
Will you accept new unsolicited members? *

The following questions are framed using terminology of the Results-Based Accountability Framework (RBA). RBA is the performance measurement system used by the state of Connecticut Legislature's Appropriations Committee. The more information that you can supply now, the better we can help you connect to others doing similar work around the state and nation and help us tailor the system to your needs.

For more information on Results-Based Accountability, click here.

Population Result(s) Being Addressed: (e.g. reducing unemployment, increasing literacy) This could be considered the mission or goal of your collaborative.
Community Indicators (How do you measure your impact?):
Partner organizations:

  I attest that this Community Impact Circle is not a political action committee or an organization promoting the agenda of a specific political party or candidate for office; nor does this group promote a specific religious agenda or endorse discrimination of any individual or group.

The Platform Administrator, in consultation with the Connecticut Nonprofit Strategy Platform advisory board will revoke usage privileges if a group violates the policy attested to above. Any revoked group will be provided the opportunity and process to appeal for reinstatement of usage privileges.