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Community Impact Circles » Long Term Goals

Long Term Goal: Shared practice, Strategic Alliances

Along with providing communication and collaboration management tool for individual Community Impact Circles, it is hoped that Circles of similar missions will share best practices with each other and find opportunities for strategic collaboration between regions.

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Along with providing communication and collaboration management tool for individual Community Circles of Impact, it is hoped that Circles of similar missions and work will share best practices with each other and find opportunities to strategically collaborate between regions.

To find other Community Impact Circles. Please > Go to Circle Listings.

Community Impact Circles Directory

Here is a listing of the Community Impact Circles operating on the Connecticut Nonprofit Strategy Platform. Some are private, some are public. We are early on in the process, so we expect most Impact Circles forming to be private; consisting of current partners who have already been working with each other. The process of connecting Impact Circles is organic at this stage and is expected to evolve through time and usage.


Most Impact Circles are private, allowing for open discourse and sharing of data with key partners in their work. General information on the Impact Circle is provided when you click on the Circle's listing. You can contact the Administrator of the Circle to find constructive ways of engaging in their work and sharing data. The administrator is your key to starting a discussion and hopeful strategic partnership.


These Community Impact Circles are public open to any participant immediately.